Second Abraham Lake Adventure

In the middle of May, our Milky way course got cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. So we decided to keep the hotel reservation, keep our Guide and head to the Saskatchewan River crossing on Highway 93.

Friday night was the best night with virtually no clouds, no precipitation and slightly warmer night. We made our way to the Belly of the lake and took photos of the milkyway.

While we were concentrating on the Milky-way we turned around and found a very special lady had made an entrance.

This was my first time being able to capture lady Aurora, and although my camera settings were wrong and I was zoomed in, this was the first image I captured that night. The lady spent about five to ten minutes giving us a display and then the Aurora had finished. So we went back to shooting the Milky-way.

On Saturday night we attempted to get the Milky-way from this location near the Columbia Ice Fields on Highway 93. However as you can see the cloud cover was immense and although we waiting for it to clear there was literally no wind to blow the clouds. This is a long exposure picture with the car travelling over the Bridge in the valley.