Mr & Mrs Wood


Mr & Mrs Wood can be printed on Fine Art Paper; Canvas; Metallic or Acrylic. Fine Art print is available in four materials in five sizes; Frames are available via special order; Prices are available on request; Shipping is added on top of special orders.

SKU: 8738100021770-1 Category:


Mr & Mrs Wood can be printed on Fine Art Paper; Canvas; Metallic or Acrylic. Fine Art print is available in four materials in five sizes; Frames are available via special order; Prices are available on request; Shipping is added on top of special orders.


The Wood Duck

The wood duck or Carolina duck is a species of perching duck found in North America. The Drake wood duck is one of the most colourful North American waterfowl.


The males have a glossy green head cut with white stripes; a chestnut breast; and buffy sides when viewed in good light. They will appear dark overall with pale sides in low or harsh light—grey-brown females with white spots on their breasts. The males lose their pale sides and bold stripes during eclipse plumage (late summer); but their bright eyes and bill remain. Females and juveniles are very similar.

Wood ducks have a unique shape; a boxy; crested head; a thin neck; and a long; broad tail. In flight; they hold their heads up high; sometimes bobbing them. Overall; their silhouette shows a skinny neck; a long body; a thick tail; and short wings.


Unlike most waterfowl; the Wood Duck nests and perches in trees; and is comfortable flying through the woods. Their broad tails and short; broad wings make them maneuverable. Swimming causes the head to jerk back and forth as if it were a walking pigeon. It is common to see Wood Ducks in small groups (fewer than 20); which helps differentiate them from other waterfowl. When these wary birds flush; listen for the female’s call.


Forages in water by taking food from the surface; submerging head and neck; occasionally up-ending; also by walking on land.


Courtship displayed by males involves postures that show off colourful plumage. Nest sites can be 65 feet above ground in large tree cavities near water. Cavities lined with down. Rarely nest in hollow fallen logs; barn lofts; and crevices in rocks. Use artificial nest boxes; even when placed low and in the open marsh.


Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 3 × 3 in

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