Stag Elk
$125.00 – $850.00
Stag Elk can be printed on Fine Art Paper; Canvas; Metallic or Acrylic. Fine Art print is available in four materials in five sizes; Frames are available via special order; Prices are available on request; Shipping is added on top of special orders.
Stag Elk can be printed on Fine Art Paper; Canvas; Metallic or Acrylic. Fine Art print is available in four materials in five sizes; Frames are available via special order; Prices are available on request; Shipping is added on top of special orders.
Bull Elk
In its native range in North America the elk is the largest mammal in the deer family. Forests and forest edges are where elk make their beds. Feeding on grass leaves and bark of trees elk prefer open areas like meadows.
Each year bull elk shed their antlers and grow new ones. A fuzzy skin called velvet covers newly grown antlers. By late summer antlers become hard and velvet peels away. Before the rut begins in September the antlers are solid bone. Antlers from a mature bull Elk can weigh up to 40 pounds. In addition to posturing and antler wrestling Bull Elk also bugle during the rut.
A Bull Elk’s bugling is a series of loud vocalizations aimed at attracting females and fending off weaker males.
Cows calves and yearlings live in herds or loose herds while Bull Elk usually live alone or in bachelor groups. During the Rut cows and calves form harems with mature bulls.
The Rut
Fall is the time for elk breeding usually in October although it can occur as late as September. A bull collects cows and calves for his harem. To attract females bulls wallow in the mud. Harems are aggressively guarded by bulls against other bulls. In order to protect their harem bull elk can fight to the death.
Birth Cycle
Mating occurs during the Rut in late September and October. Calves are typically born between late May and early June. While their mothers feed them calves spend weeks hiding from predators. Calves are born spotted and scentless so they can not be detected.
How big
At the shoulder a mature bull Elk stands about 5 feet tall and 8 feet long. It is estimated that they weigh about 700 pounds. Nocturnal the Bull Elk sleeps during the day and grazes at night. Elk bulls start their day in the afternoon. During the night elk feed and socialize in the same meadow.